Private Cargo Registry Service

Private Crates as Easy as Using Cargo


Our Services


Crate Registry

  • Registry server like, but designed for private crates
  • Full Cargo compatibility + extended API
  • Integrated crate index git repository
  • Manage auth tokens, SSH keys, and user permissions in one place


  • We build your crate docs automatically for every version
  • Clean, searchable interface for quick, easy navigation
  • Full crate history, instantly available, saving time and fostering collaboration
Best in Class


  • Create an account in 30s, publish your first crate in minutes
  • Built by, and designed for, Rust devs to make setting up a crate registry as easy as using Cargo
  • Secure defaults: 100% authenticated downloads, sandboxed doc builds, single-use CI credentials and more

Automatic Crate Docs

Rustdocs for every crate version. Like for your private crates.

crate detail view
crate detail view
rustdoc navigation
crate detail view
rustdoc with version/dependencies navigation

Full Cargo Compatibility

100% Cargo Compatibility is a Starting Point, But Our Vision is Transforming the Private Crates Experience

source .env
cargo login --registry shipyard-rs ${AUTH_TOKEN}
Updating `shipyard-rs` index
Login token for `shipyard-rs` saved
cargo publish --registry shipyard-rs
Updating `shipyard-rs` index
Packaging private-crate v0.2.4 (~/src/private-crate)
Verifying private-crate v0.2.4 (~/src/private-crate)
Updating index
Compiling uuid v1.2.2
 Compiling private-crate v0.2.4 (~/src/private-crate/target/package/private-crate-0.2.4)
 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.46s
Packaged 3 files, 1.2KiB (802.0B compressed)
Uploading private-crate v0.2.4 (~/src/private-crate)
Updating `shipyard-rs` index

Fast, Easy Setup

Account Setup in 30s
Publish Your First Crate in Minutes
Rich Documentation
Generated Config Samples

Fast, Easy Setup

Account Setup in 30s
Publish Your First Crate in Minutes
Rich Documentation
Generated Config Samples

Secure and Reliable

100% Authenticated Downloads

Cargo and were designed to host open source code. We've built from the ground up to securely host private code. Part of that approach includes providing secure default settings for new accounts. We've seen cases where users are surprised to find out their proprietary source code is freely available for download over the public Internet. That's not how we operate. Instead, our system is purpose-built to integrate securely within Cargo's authentication model.

Audit Logs

We log every API call, at the token granularity, so if the need ever arises, you can trace exactly what happened, when, by which user, using which token.

Single-Use CI Credentials

Continuous Integration and other automated build processes are a crucial part of the modern development environment, but safely providing credentials for use by third-party build servers can be tricky. At, empowering a secure integration between your private registry and CI pipeline is a priority. Using lessons learned from implementing our sandboxed Rustdoc builder daemon, we've developed a single-use credentials flow for keeping your threat exposure to an absolute minimum.


Integrated Crate Index

We initialize, host, and maintain your registry's git repository. Managing SSH keys is integrated into

integrated git index

User Management

Empower collaboration by adding your team to the registry account. Use roles to delegate access.

integrated git index

Token Management

Create, delete, and track auth tokens. Generate single-use credentials for CI. Monitor with audit logs.

token management

Ready to Start?

Dive in for free, with no payment or credit card required! Our free tier is a perfect way to get to know our service.

If you've been stuck on path- or git-based dependencies in your Cargo.toml for a while, you might be surprised how many small problems go away.

When you're ready, upgrading to one of our paid plans is a super-easy, 2min process.

Making Private Crates As
Easy as Using Cargo

"The truth emerged brightly from the fog, suddenly obvious. Yes, of course a registry works wonderfully. It works ... just like ... Cargo does!"

- the Manifesto

If you want to understand why we're so passionate (obsessive?) about private crates, read our manifesto and become a true believer!